ICI Modules: app
Modules by name : by typeOverview
The app module was an attempt at an application framework using the old-style OOP facilities atop the tcl module, i.e, an application framework using Tk for widgets.
The module works but is really a first attempt. The gtk module is a second attempt using the newer, more comprehensive, OOP facilities, and offers a far wider selection and modern looking set of tools.
The app module
This is a TK-based application framework for ici. It uses an object- oriented style of ici programming to hide the use of TK as much as is feasible for a small framework. All user-interface controls, widgets, are represented as objects using ici structs to store these objects. Classes are defined which contain methods used to change widget properties and control the application.
The framework provides access to most TK widgets. Those that are not provided may be easily integrated into the framework.
The framework requires the ici Tcl/TK extension - libicitcl.so. On systems with TkStep the Tcl/TK extension can be built against TkStep giving applications a more NeXT-like appearance. This is the author's configuration on FreeBSD.
The framework is used as an ici autoload module, called ``app''. This module references the Tcl module and will load that as necessary. The app module provides a number of functions to let you define and run applications.
Application Functions
The app module defines a number of functions that let the application control itself and to set various application properties. Usually few of these functions need be used as the framework provides convenient defaults for most things. Many of the functions involve X11 session management and are entirely optional.
Session Management
app.settitle(string)Set the application's toplevel window title. By default the title is set to the base portion of argv[0]
app.setcommand(string)The command used to re-invoke the application, used for session management.
app.setclient(string)The name of the client machine running the command, again used for session management.
app.setgeometry(string)The geometry of the application - session management.
Application Control
app.iconfy()Iconfy the application.
app.loadresources([string])Load the user-interface from a framework resource file.
Application Running
app.run()Run the main loop, processing events and performing whatever actions are associated with them.
app.update()Force the user-interface to be updated without waiting for an event.
Font Support
app.font(string [, int])Return the X11 name of a font from the framework name. The framework adopts the OpenPage convention of having a number of fonts with names like "FixedWidth", "Serif", "SansSerifItalic", etc... The int is an optional size, defaults to 14 point.
app.destroy(string)Destroy a TK object. Not really intended for general use.
Object Creation
app.new()Create a new object. This is NOT used to create a new application object. It is a general OOP function to create a new instance given a class.
Application Classes
The framework defines a number of classes to represent user-interface objects. To understand how these classes are used we need to take a brief digression on how to do OOP in ici. This isn't a full explanation but should be enough to understand the techniques used in the framework.
Object-oriented programming in ici
Ici doesn't provide direct support for so-called object-oriented programming. It doesn't embody the notions of class or method or inheritence. However ici's native facilities may be used to create a structure in which we can use OO techniques. Various ici mechanisms are ideal for providing this support.
Firstly objects in our OOP system are represented as ici structs. The struct stores the instance variables for an object. Each class is also represented by a struct. The class struct stores the methods and default values for instance variables. To create a new instance of a class we create a new ici struct and make it's super-struct be a read-only version of the class (the atomic form).
So given a simple class definition as in,
static myclass = [struct myvar = 0, mymethod = [func (self, arg) { return self.myvar + arg; }] ];We can create a new instance of this type of object via,
inst = struct(@myclass);And call methods using the binary-@ operator,
inst@mymethod(2);Object creation is typically more complicated. Constructor-style functions are supported allowing classes to initialise the new instance. In the application framework the app.new() function is used to create new instances and supports constructors.
That's about all there is too it. There's a more detailed explantation available but here is not the place for it. It suffices to say that the technique works and isn't too complicated.
Framework classes
The classes defined by the app framework are,
app.objectThe app.object class is the base class of all objects. It provides default behaviour for all objects and is not intended to be used directly.
class Return the class of this object (meta-class struct).
super Return the super-class of an object.
isa Determine if an object is a type of widget.
Widget is a base class for all user-interface controls. Widget objects aren't much use on their own and are intended to be used by more specific classes. The widget class provides a number of methods that all widgets implement,
makename Create a TK name for this widget.
setaction Set the "action" property of the widget to the ici code.
settclaction Set the action property as TCL code
settext Set the text associated with this widget.
setfont Set the font for this widget.
enable Enable the widget.
disable Disable the widget.
setrelief Set the relief used when rendering the widget.
app.label app.button Methods button@setimage(string) app.dialog app.text