ICI Modules: gl

Modules by name : by type


The gl module provides access to OpenGL. The module is incomplete (it only has 200 or so exported functions!) and requires further development.

The ici OpenGL interface.

The gl module provides a binding to OpenGL, specifically the Mesa
implementation of OpenGL for X11.

The ici binding follows the C binding in almost all respects. Changes
are made where the ici type system does not have a good match the C
types used in OpenGL however this is rare and in general the principles
of the C interface apply to the ici module.

There are a number of general rules that apply to the ici binding

*     As ici has modules there is no need for the ``gl'' and ``GL''
      prefixes on names. Function names lose the ``gl'' prefix as
      they are explicity selected from the gl module, e.g., the C


      in ici becomes,


      Constants lose the ``GL_'' prefix and are referenced from the
      module, e.g.,




      Where the name of a constant, with the ``GL_'' removed, is not
      a valid C identifier, e.g., GL_2_BYTES would be 2_BYTES, then
      the ``_'' is retained, GL_2_BYTES becomes gl._2_BYTES.

*     Functions that have multiple forms in C to accomodate different
      data types are present in ici however they map to one of two
      underlying types, integer or floating point.

      If a function exists in various instances that accept different
      types, i.e., the 'd', 's', 'f', 'i', modifiers etc..., then there
      is a function with the base name that determines the function
      to call from its parameters. E.g.,

	gl.Vertex3f(0.0, 1.0, -1.2);
	gl.Vertex3i(1, 2, 3);

      Can be replaced with a call to gl.Vertex3(),

	gl.Vertex3(0, 1, -1.2);
	gl.Vertex3(1, 2, 3);

      The rules used to select the underlying OpenGL function are
      simple and straightforward,

	     If any of the parameters is a floating point number
	     then 'd' variant of the function is used. If there
	     is no 'd' variant the 'f' variant is used. 

	     If all the parameters are integers the 'd' variant,
	     or the closest to it, is used.

*     Functions that have multiple forms in C to accomodate different
      numbers of arguments are present in ici (as demonstrated in the
      previous rule). However as ici can determine the number of actual
      arguments to a function it is possible to implement more general
      forms of the functions that call the OpenGL function based on the
      number of actual parameters passed to the function.

      Using the above example gl.Vertex3() may be replaced with the more
      general gl.Vertex() that uses the number of actual parameters to
      select the OpenGL function, glVertex2, glVertex3 or glVertex4, to
      be used. Because we pass three parameters gl.Vertex() knows to
      call the '3' variant of the glVertex function.

      This behaviour combines with the automatic type selection to
      allow the general forms to completely replace the more specific
      OpenGL functions.

*     The 'v' functions that accept C arrays accept ici arrays instead.
      The more general forms also accept ici arrays and can infer the
      correct OpenGL function from the number of elements in the arrays
      and their types.